"The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence."
- Maria Montessori
Montessori Afternoons Plus (MAP)
MAP General Care
BHMS’ afterschool program, is available to all full-day Preschool students in the 3s, 4s, and Kindergarten as well as students in grades 1-6. After dismissal, children in MAP gather by program (and are supervised by MAP teachers while they enjoy snacks (graham crackers, cheddar bunnies, pretzels, apples and oranges etc.), indoor play time, homework, and roof playground time.
Enrichment Classes
While general MAP is available, MAP also offers a wide variety of enrichment classes such as Capoeira, film-making, language arts, music, chess, arts and crafts, and more. These classes require a separate registration from regular MAP and have their own pricing. Students who sign up for enrichment classes will join general MAP activities until it is time for their classes to start.
MAP Hours
MAP runs from 3:00-6:00pm, Monday through Friday, except for days with a half-day dismissal and on weekdays when school is closed or on break. There will be no MAP or childcare offered for parent-teacher conference days or on staff professional development days.​
Reach out to MAP Coordinator, Misa Saburi.
Email: msaburi@bhmsny.org
Phone: 718-858-5100 x118