"Joy, feeling one's own value, being appreciated and loved by others, feeling useful and capable of production are all factors of enormous value for the human soul."
- Maria Montessori
A Montessori Camp for Summer:
BHMS Preschool Camp
Registration will open on
February 14!
We are thrilled to open our doors once again for A Montessori Summer!
We are offering a half-day program for children just warming up to Montessori preschool life and a full-day program for children who are ready for more Montessori! We are so excited to design fun activities along themes for each session, sparking curiosity, learning, and a desire to do.
Already registered?
July 7 - 18
July 21 - August 1
August 4 - 15
Camper Care (Full-Day Campers Only)
Additional care is available before and after the camp day. Camper Care is available as a service at a flat rate by AM Camper Care (up to 0.5 hour/day) or PM Camper Care (up to 2 hours/day). Ages: 3-6.5, Full-Day Campers only Before-Camp Care: 8:00-8:30 After-Camp Care: 3:00-5:00 Session Add-On: AM Camper Care, 8:00-8:30 (Flat Rate, per family): $80 Session Add-On: PM Camper Care, 3:00-5:00 (Flat Rate, per family): $320 Session Add-On: AM & PM Camper Care, 8:00-8:30 AND 3:00-5:00: $375 Single Day Add-On: AM Camper Care, 8:00-8:30 (Flat Rate, per family): $10/morning Single Day Add-On: PM Camper Care, 3:00-5:00 (Flat Rate, per family ): $40/afternoon Please note: Camper Care availability is limited by space and staffing ratios; if you need day-of care, please contact the school as early as possible so that we can see whether we can accommodate your family’s need. Single-Day Add-Ons will be billed at the end of each session.
Construction on Campus This Summer
We have some exciting renovations planned for our building this summer as we embark on BHMS By Design. While the construction will have little impact on camp, there may be a bit of occasional noise.
Get in touch! We are happy to speak with you.
Email: camp@bhmsny.org, mseelinger@bhmsny.org
Phone: (929) 359-7115