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THE MIDDLE SCHOOL  >    Middle School

Middle School

Montessori Middle School is grades 7 and 8. 


The culminating cycle at BHMS is Montessori Middle School, a two-year sequence, including Grade 7 and Grade 8, of thematically linked Humanities, Science, English, and Social Growth units. Students explore historical and scientific themes and their connections to current events and their own lives. As in the Upper Elementary program, the curriculum follows a trimester schedule, and the units are further broken down into six-week cycles. At the start of Montessori's plane of development for adolescents, students are better able to reason abstractly and begin the journey to self-sufficient independence. The more complex units of study reflect this change.

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Middle school students are the leaders of the school. By seventh grade, students are experienced supporting the younger students in many ways. Middle School students are each paired with a Lower Elementary "Reading Buddy", who they work with throughout the year. They also run a microeconomy selling pizza to the rest of the school once a week. This business funds their end of year overnight trip, which the eighth graders are responsible for planning every aspect of, including: destination, transportation, budget, and itinerary. Grace & Courtesy Lunches are a staple in the middle school, where each advisory plans and prepares a meal to share with the community.


A hallmark of the BHMS middle school program are the Expert Project and the Magnum Opus, which students undertake in alternating years. For these long-form projects, our 7th and 8th graders choose a topic to research comprehensively and prepare a dynamic, multimedia and oral presentation, which they present to the full school and parent community. 

Another capstone of the middle school is the Shakespeare Project. Each year, seventh and eighth graders embark on a year-long study of one Shakespeare's masterpieces. This work begins in the fall as students read the play and examine the text historically. In the spring, they bring it to life in a full theatrical production.


By eighth grade, our students know themselves as learners and are well-prepared to choose a high school that is a perfect match for them. Our High School Placement Team supports families through every phase of the application process, working with students and parents to a great fit to match each student's individual needs. ​BHMS graduates enroll in high schools where they thrive. 


  • Students take ownership of their learning, through setting goals and asking for help in student-led conferences with their teachers and parents

  • Middle Schoolers are leaders and mentors to younger students at the school 

  • Shakespeare project is a yearly in-depth study and theatrical production ​

  • Magnum Opus and Expert Project are capstone projects where students are able to pursue and explore their interests and passions

  • Two overnight trips - in the fall and spring - give students a sense of independence and connection with their peers while applying what they've learned in the classroom to new contexts

  • An experienced High School Placement Team work with each family to find a great fit for each student's next step

To learn about all of our programs in greater depth, see our Curriculum Guide.

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